Quote Originally Posted by sailor jack View Post
I was going to post about the potentially upcoming peace talks, but then I saw some idiots urinate on some corpses and thought "ain't nothin' like peeing on dead guys to get the Taliban angry".

But then I saw this: http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/...80A2D720120112

Is this a sign of a more progressive Taliban (who are apparently aiming to set up a political office in Qatar soon)? Should we be seeking peace talks if the Taliban begin to reject militancy?
I don't think so. I was going to say Burhanuddin Rabbani before he was assassinated, but it turns out he opposed them in earlier decades. I guess he was working on a peaceful arrangement with them.

Burhanuddin Rabbani - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm interested in learning more about the Middle East, the religion of Islam, and a lot of people who opposed the Taliban. I find it kind of sad nobody really ever reports on the various other sides that oppose violent religious extremist. I found this guy, Ahmad Shah Massoud, to be an interesting read. Maybe if a lot people who worked with him and Burhanuddin hadn't been assassinated by Al Qaeda and the Taliban things would have been different.

Ahmad Shah Massoud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia