Quote Originally Posted by Rick Scarf View Post
The shooter is straight up crazy. I get the feeling he leans right if anything at all because of his views on currency but I don't think Palin was even on this guys radar, that was just an interesting coincidence. No one (but Stewart of course/unfortunately) will simply chaulk it up to him being crazy though, it sells a lot more advertising slots on the news channels to debate if this is the fault of the right or left.

Oh. One other guy at least has said that this dude was simply a lunatic and we need to stop trying find who to blame - the father of the 9 year old girl that was killed. He also does not place blame on gun control laws. How about that.
Stewart mentioned that as well, remarking it was both as predictable as it was disappointing.

I don't really have much of an opinion on this, except to say that Western democracy in general is a big bait-and-switch operation that gets away with it because of the apathy of the population with it's cushy lifestyle. There are plenty of people who want change, but it's not a majority thing yet, and it won't be unless something catastrophic happens.

I think the worst thing is that the only reliable thing about politicians is how they'll make out everything around them to be about them or their opponents. This kind of narcisstic self-absorption is also such a big part of the Western psyche as well, which is why, when shit like this shooting happen, we pause for a moment to make ourselves look good (or get caught up in the pathos of the news, which is a whole other story) then either turn it into something to for us, or ignore it once it's purpose has been used. Can this viewpoint be blamed? I don't know. I find it a little reprehensible, but that's really only mild moral outrage compared to a system which, for all it's faults, still gets things done, even if it is only the cheapest, bare minimum.

blah, blah, blah, ramble tamble - the point I was going for is that pointing fingers at this point is fucking ridiculous. You can't blame any one thing over any other thing. They're all equally culpable, in my eyes. Whenever shit like this happens, everyone's first response is "What could we have done to prevent this? Won't someone please think of the children?" I don't think anything would have prevented it - determined people generally get shit done, regardless of what's in place to stop them. You can't fix crazy, either. The only thing that is actually within our control is the world that we live in, and I'm with Stewart on the fact that we shouldn't make our political opponents (be they social or religious or whatever) out to be enemies. Doing so only encourages the kind of exploitative system we have in place now, and causes crazy people to snap, like this guy did. Disagreement can be dealt with without outright hostility, or instilling views that wouldn't seem out of place in a civil war.