Quote Originally Posted by Rick Scarf View Post
I find the idea of elected officials evoking violent undertones (and overtones) in their public speech distasteful. But they're allowed to say it if they want.

You can't wait to speak out against violations of Constitutional freedoms until your own are infringed upon. Just because it is inconvenient or unpopular doesn't mean it isn't a violation of that freedom that is given to all. Again, Westboro church is a bunch of assholes and I am completely against what they do... but I support their right to do it. If you don't like it, counter-protest. Or beat them up if you think that's a fair trade-off for an assault charge. (slightly off-topic - I read a while back that someone slashed all the tires on the cars of the Westboro members, and all of the tire shops in town refused to fix their cars)

vvvvv slippery slope etc
I can though.

On a completely limited note, this legislation is only valid in Kansas, so it's not exactly a threat to the federal right to free expression. It also seems to be a last resort pulled, considering these guys have a history of protesting funerals to up their public image and draw attention to themselves.

While it's true that they are, in some twisted way, expressing their beliefs, at the same time, we have to examine the motivations behind it. If this isn't some 'pay attention to me!' stunt, then I'll eat my hat. If the whole thing is a setup to draw attention to who they are, doesn't this constitute advertising? And, if this straw man holds true, aren't there rules regulating advertisments in various fields?

Cigarette companies aren't allowed to advertise anymore. Porn cannot be advertised (except within porn). But, in a weird way, aren't these all ways that these companies and, through them, the individuals behind them to freely express their lifestyle and beliefs?

Can a correlation be drawn between free expression vs. advertising? Because if it can, this is one avenue to curtail this.

On top of this, isn't there a statute against hate speech?

Also, I agree with you on the elected officials and their evocation of violence.