Well, good effort but a whole section on blood from your butt? More nasty than funny in my opinion. Also... Those baldy, pale cancer patients think they have it tough. But they don't. They are only going to die" is the worst sentence I've heard in a while. I know that some how making fun of terminally ill cancer patients is funny to people (Iguess), but I think that its just tasteless and not going to go over well with an audience. Most people know someone who has cancer, so it might hit too close to home foir some people watching. I am suprised that you didnt say "but I dont want to go to hell" after that sentence, because you said that like 10 times already.

Just so you know I love stand up comedy and I thought that giving you my honest opinion on your set would help you more than hurt you. Sorry man I'm not trying to be mean.