Here ya go, kids. This is the thread where you can tell the world (and by "world" I mean the 15 or so people that visit this website) about what you got this year.

My wife got me LOST: The Complete Collection on Blu-Ray, as well as a nice set of speakers for my computer. (I haven't had speakers on my computer in about 5 years, and I'm sick of wearing headphones all the time. She also got me a Deadpool hat (limited edition, etc. etc.) and a couple shirts

My sister & brother-in-law got me the Exodus expansion for the Battlestar Galactica Board Game, and the Game of Thrones board game.

My roommate (a friend of ours that we moved up to Wisconsin from Texas) got me the wireless adapter for my HTPC so I can use my 360 controller with it. Now I can finally start playing those thousands upon thousands of MAME roms I have on my HTPC!

My parents are coming over in about 20 minutes for brunch, there will be more presents to open then!

What did you guys get that you think is completely awesome?