Quote Originally Posted by solecistic View Post
barf story
That's really awful. I probably flown somewhere over a dozen times in my life, but they've all been very pleasant trips. I remember being a kid and scared in my youth to ever fly. I remember flying in on those tiny little propellor planes because my dad found a cheap deal through a friend to fly from Indiana to Wisconsin. That was a very bumpy ride.

Recently though, I think it was back in November, when I flew off an aircraft carrier in the middle of the Arabian gulf did I really have fun. I think the best way to describe it is flying a tank off a runway the length of a football field. As soon as the plane left the flight deck it sank and probably skimmed the top of the water before ascending. It felt like a roller coaster. Then we were turning and banking at some very steep angles. Going off an aircraft carrier is also scary because if you don't make it you'll fall into the ocean right in front of a ship the size of the empire state building and crushed to bits. Needless to say, I was thoroughly excited.

The flight from Bahrain to Virginia was about 24 hours and the worst flight experience to date. The last time I flew over the ocean was over the Pacific when I was six, and I can barely remember the experience. Having to do it now, eating the crappy airline food, feeling dirty from not showering, breathing in recirculated air, babies crying, people snoring, having the back of my chair kicked, and having my clock going back several hours, this is something I'm not use to so I was horribly disgruntled. I guess this is the norm for regular flyers, but I'd rather not have a job where I experience that a lot. I'd probably swear off flying for a while if someone vomitted because just being around cleaned up vomit is still very horrible.