MPR, long flights suck for everyone. You just hope your company will spring for first class.

The only difference for a regular flyer and someone like you is that we have better tools and processes for making ourselves comfortable. Noise-cancelling headphones (and noise-isolating earbuds), exit rows (or preferred economy seating), early boarding, etc, all add together to make for a more pleasant experience. I throw everything into the overhead (laptop bag included) and only remove my iPad and Kindle for the flight, and then just pull my luggage down when I need anything else (like, say, a change of clothes--I usually start in shorts, and put sweats on top) It's also important to get up regularly to stretch and walk around, brush your teeth and rinse your mouth a couple times throughout the flight (if it's over 12-15 hours), etc. You probably don't want to use the water (or, really, touch any surfaces) in the bathrooms though. Bring sanitizer for that, especially.