I think we all know someone who just seems extremely lucky. You know, that someone who always gets away with doing things they shouldn't or who gets a lot of random free things or who just always seem to be in the right place at the right time.

Recently I was listening to a friend tell me how he got a free 3DS (the cashier disabled the security tag but forgot to ring it up) and I was thinking to myself, man I never get that lucky, but then I remembered the time did get extremely lucky.

It was about two years ago when I was dating that ginger. We had just moved into an apartment for $400/month. During the first month of living there we noticed some mold in our bathroom. We thought it might be black mold because at the time I was feeling sort of sick. The management sent someone to look at it but they didn't seem concerned about it and didn't take any action to remove it. My boyfriend told the manager that we wouldn't pay rent until the issue was resolved. So yeah the 2nd month of living there passes by, no word from the management and by that time we decided it probably wasn't black mold since neither of us were feeling ill anymore. By the middle of the 3rd month (and no rent paid for 2 months) we realized that the management had forgotten we lived there. For the next three months we don't pay the rent. We spend our extra money on drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol.

Then one day we were coming home when we noticed someone was changing our locks. We stopped the man and told him we lived there. Well as soon as he leaves, we know the gig is up. Within 10 minutes a women I had never seen before stops by and asks us to come to her office. She's the new manager and had no idea anyone was living in that apartment. Apparently the ownership of the apartment complex had changed hands twice since we started living there and that apartment was listed as vacant. She tells us that she should call the cops on us for squatting but instead makes us an offer. Either we pay $2400 up front (5 months plus upcoming month) or leave within 48 hours. Well fuck, we were broke drug addicts, so we decided to leave. We ended up leaving a bunch of (shitty) furniture there because we had no where to move the stuff. It took me a while to realize how lucky we were that we weren't sued or arrested.

tl;dr - lived in an apartment for 5 months rent free because the management forgot about us

So what are some of your stories of being lucky?