None of my stories about getting lucky involve getting evicted.

But I dodge bullets all the time. The most notable, recent time was an all-night bender (bottles of wine at dinner, bottle service at a club, etc) after which I had to work in the morning. I had an 11am meeting with a C-level client-type, and I laughed as I stumbled home that there was no way I could miss an 11am meeting.

I get a phone call the next morning from my best friend. It's daylight, I'm fully clothed lying in bed, and immediately hungover. I answer the phone, and he's like, "You called me 4 times at 4am last night."

"Weird... What time is it?"

"Uh..." he paused, "A little after 10am, your time."


I skipped the shower, wet my hair and combed it a bit, brushed my teeth, threw on some clothes, and tossed my dirty clothes in a bag (I was flying out that evening.) I raced to the corner, hailed a cab, and walked into the building at 10:55. Elevator was flawless, dropped my coat at my desk, and walked straight into my meeting. I spent the next 3-4 hours in back-to-back-to-back meetings, without uttering a word, and caught my flight home without a hitch.

I got upgraded on the flight, and when I got home, I banged BBOR2 ex-girlfriend style. Lucky.