Everyone's crazy anal about something. Whether it's the neatness of your record collection, how tidy your room is, cleaning your hands all the time, or that you spend more time than you probably need to cleaning and disinfecting your kitchen.

I'm not a particularly tidy person, and while I have good personal hygiene, I'm not that concerned about hygiene in general. For me, it's compulsive file organisation on my computer. There are folders and folders and folders of everything I own: separate folders (with many subfolders) for my old schoolwork, current work stuff, for each theatre project I've undertaken, folders especially for certain downloaded files (those files then get re-sorted into a permanent home later) -- I even have meticulous different folders for all amusing pictures and GIFs I've collected, just in case I want to find any later.

My TV collection is flawlessly sorted into separate folders for shows, then separate folders for seasons. Similar for my (downloaded) comic books. And my music collection is STAGGERINGLY organised -- every album has artwork attached, songs are all sorted into albums which are sorted into artists which are presented not only in perfect order in iTunes, but also sorted into separate folders for artists, and then albums, on my harddrive. About once a month I'll spend just a few hours doing organisational maintenance on my files. And if, for some reason, I let my music collection get out of whack, I have been known to spend very nearly two days straight just filing, organising and adding ancillary information.

What's your OCD?