I was thinking about why I am so bad with girls. I used to think it was my appearance, but I think it's more than that. I think it also is because I am shy or I don't know what to say, like I usually talk to girls as friends, so they think as me as a friend. I mean I feel kind of bad cuz I get these thoughts like I want a girl to be my girlfriend and I am not sure if she likes girls or if I am her type. And I don't want her to think I am a pervert, even though many people may have these thoughts too. Plus I hate rejection. And I know I would have lots of competition, for the girls attention. A part of me seems I will be alone forever. I sometimes freeze up when I see a hot girl or try and stare at her and look away if she sees me. I don't want girls to think I am creepy or weird or desperate, but I think girls can pick up and think I am a looser. How can I become popular, and good with girls? I feel like I will be alone for the rest of my life because girls think I am a creepy weirdo pervert, and I really want to change I want girls to think I'm really cool and want to hang around me. Also I feel bad cuz sometimes I think about girls naked and such and I feel like it's wrong cuz like it'll never happen because I'm horrible at girls. So it's like I see hot girl. Worry she might think I'm a pervert cuz I'm thinking about her naked. Too scared to talk to her because I think she might think I'm weird. Or if I talk to her I treat her like a friend because I don't want to make a move because I am so terrified of a hot girl rejecting me. So I'm like super scared of hot girls right now. I don't think I used to be like this but the longer I am in this situation, alone the more worried I am because I'm getting older and still in this situation.