Because we are as badass as we are, one of my buddies decided that we needed to have an ultimate test of manhood. Essentially it boils down to how badass are you, and how fast can you prove it? Here it is in a nutshell.

Each teams of five (5), must consume/ingest/absorb/shoot up/ingest/ the following as a team.

1 thirty-rack of Keystone light
1 fifth of vodka
1 eighth of weed
1 extra large meat-lovers pizza

All said things must be done without puking. Not all members will have to partake of everything on the list. For example, if you have someone on the team that doesn't smoke weed, fine, but the other team members must pick up the slack. The game will begin with someone starting meat-spin and will only stop under the following circumstances:

All 4 elements have been consumed OR
10,000 spins of meat hath spun.

Anyone have a guess for the winning time? Anyone think we'll die? I personally think the weed to beer ratio is in favor of the weed, but that might just be because I drink too much and don't hardly ever smoke. With that said, perhaps we should increase the pizza. Your thoughts?