Quote Originally Posted by Kealran View Post
Yeah I know, don't click the link. But its the basic foundation of it and the school of thought that religion brings that is detrimental to society. Its a system that we should now abandon, leave it behind and pass on to a new view that are less detrimental to society.

You can't just ignore it and expect it to go away. Very few problems disappear when you ignore it. You can't expect that the religious population (the what 80% or more) of the world will just wake up on their own and realize how ridiculous they are...people are too passive.
Well, you forget that if it weren't for religion people probably would have never come together in the first place. It was a cornerstone for the creation of civilization. Religion is no more detrimental to society than lack of religion would be. There would still be evil people, they would just be more sadistic.