I personally think my girlfriend wears too much makeup. It's something she's just started doing in the last month or so, and I think her intentions are good - she wants to "look good for me". Except she doesn't. Where before (from what I can tell anyway) she just wore a little eye makeup that accentuated her eyes, she's now started using enough face makeup to spackle sidewalk cracks, enough blush to look like a porcelein doll, and dark dark DARK eyeliner.

I mean seriously, the other night we were watching a movie, she had her head resting on my leg and when she got up to get another beer, there was makeup on my pants.

Now that's a bit much. This isn't a whiny "How do I tell my GF to stop wearing so much makeup" thread because I know how to do that, with a decent amount of tact, I'm just wondering where girls get the idea that the less lifelike they look, the more we'll like them. That's not true for me, just wondering how the other men here feel.