Just asking cuz I had one. No I don't want pity, I was MY shitty day and we all have them and this is the internet and nobody cares etc etc, just curious what everyone else does to combat those days that just do nothing but suck.

Usually I'll work out and that helps. Even a short run or a session with the weights gets it out at least temporarily. The converse of this is sometimes I'll just give up and go to bed, hoping the next day rots way less than the previous day.

On the not so healthy angle, I'll sometimes consciously or semi-consciously (as in, I wasn't fully aware this is what I was doing until later) try to make someone else feel like shit too. Misery loves company. And if I'm JUST that right mix of pissed off, frustrated, depressed, and cynical, alcohol and/or drugs have come into play.
