Quote Originally Posted by MalReynolds View Post
This kind of harassment isn't every day, but they often talk about leaving period blood on the toilet seats, along with pubic hair, and then make fun of me for not wanting to use the restrooms at work. They talk about guys they want to fuck while I'm in ear shot, and each time I make it known I'm uncomfortable they just laugh and laugh and talk about it louder, or wait until I'm back in the room to resume talking about it.
dude guys do this at every labour job i've ever worked at, except instead of period blood it's, "I permenantly stained the toilet bowl with the rancid shit I got from eating off the food truck," "I'm so cool because I constantly wipe my boogers on the walls of the stalls and the urinals," "I banged/want to bang/am going to rape/will watch through the window and masturbate <some female with an 85% likelihood of being an immediate family member of yours>"

and other such combinations. honestly, get thicker skin, because you're going to come across this shit quite a bit. I'm not condoning that behavior (it's pretty gross no matter who is saying what), but that doesn't mean you should get your period blood stained knickers all in a twist over it.