Quote Originally Posted by bananallama! View Post

cardboard box.
dog food/bird seed
duct tape

Get a big card board box. Cut the sides to where it can lay flat, long ways. It should be at least 3-4 feet long when flat.
Stand the card board up to it makes a small "wall" in front of the door. But it has to "wrap around" the door so you can put the dog food between the cardboard and the door.
Duct tape the bottom of the cardboard to the floor, and the ends to the wall beside the door.

Poor at LEAST 20lbs of dog food in the little "box" you've created. Knock on the person door. And just stand there. No, don't run. They can't do anything if you stand there. I mean seriously, they will know who did it anyways. Might as well watch them cringe at the sight of 20 lbs of dogfood flying in their room.

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Nobody in their right mind would hear all of that shit hitting their door and not open it to see what is going on, so you'd have to pour it really quickly.