I have a question for America. Is the economy as bad as the news makes it out to be?

You see, since June 2006 I've been living in japan. Working as a bartender, and getting a plan to stay here for a 5 or so more years and save up money. Now to make a long story short, Japan as slowly been breaking my will. For a while now the only thing that has kept me over here is the belief that its better then the American economy, but im at my snapping point right now.
I have a wife over here that would need to apply for a green card (6-8 months outside America, 18 months inside US)

I used to dream of a life outside of America. Now all I do is dream of a life in America. Dreaming of the simple life that is northern california. Dreaming of a life of smoking dank, and fast cars, that's my baseball and apple pie. Dreaming of a place where I understand the laws, people, customs, city, language, and every thing else that makes up daily life...... that you dont notice until your mind goes into a complete meltdown of living somewhere else.

TLDR: Amruica, got jobs? got work? Got life? Tell me where to go!