MrShrike here is the trick of the game... the more you keep someone talking, the more they slip up. Lynching isn't the town's only weapon. Any casual observer who followed the entire game and had even the faintest idea about this concept would have seen everything I pointed out. You have a shocking lack of objectivity, and seek only data to fit your theory (that you are the best/smartest/outplayed everyone/did it yourself/etc)

I probably should have just hammered you, but I haven't had internet for a while (thanks, neighbors) and I've been playing from a phone screen, making it difficult to deal with your blathering, and frankly I didn't know it was possible to miss it once we cleared WellAdjusted.

What it really comes down to is that we basically got a freebie on coqauvin, and then wound up with ShitFace screwing us by not even protesting (which is fitting, since he was an afk faggot that I'm probably still going to ban spitefully later.) Zuelan had all the information available to figure it out, he just didn't know what to look for.

Terrible newbie mafia probably ought to beat terrible newbie town 9 times out of 10.