Note: Don't get mad if it gets spoiled, bro!
Official Website -

A writer who is brutalized during her cabin retreat seeks revenge on her attackers, who left her for dead.

Wikipedia -
I Spit on Your Grave is a 2010 American rape and revenge horror film, and a remake of the controversial 1978 cult film of the same name. It was directed by Steven R. Monroe, and stars Sarah Butler, Chad Lindberg, Daniel Franzese, Rodney Eastman, Jeff Branson, and Andrew Howard.

Youtube Trailer (HD)

Rotten Tomatoes -
Female-empowerment fantasy or just plain prurience, Grave is extremely efficient grindhouse.

Audiences who like the spectacle of men being tortured and women being raped may well be the same audiences. For them, this film offers a two-for-one deal.

Roger Ebert's Review -

0 out of 5 stars, but a professional review none the less.

Bad Movie Planet -
Linked to this lesser known website to offer an alternative review. Reviewer seems to like it and even points out questionable material. Rated ISOYG 4 devils out of... ???

My thoughts:
An absolutely disturbing film that made me cringe and even squeel very loudly. Definitely lost into the drama of the rape and then the revenge to really criticize how implausible the victim turned heroine is in dishing out her vengeance. Made me feel like I was watching Saw for the first time.