At first, I had no idea what you were talking about, but after a little searching I remember watching this movie. I remember thinking how I did not enjoy the movie and was horribly disappointed. I really like Jonah Hill. What I am thinking now is that what he was doing was taking inspiration from movies where they cast some big star and involve him in some goofy adventure with kids and he was putting his own comedic spin on the film.

Here are some examples that come to mind:
Hulk Hogan's Mr Nanny
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's Tooth Fairy
Eddie Murphy's Daddy Day Care
Adam Sandler's Big Daddy.

I didn't like these movies, but I do like Jonah Hill and the trailer didn't seem so bad. The movie just didn't have anything interesting. I don't know who to blame. Just doing a little research shows the director David Gordon Green also directed Pineapple Express. Fantastic movie IMHO. The writers are Brian Gatewood and Alessando Tanaka and they have nothing else under their belt. Maybe that's the reason why this movie wasn't enjoyable because this was the first experience writing for a film, and there experience with whatever else they've done didn't transition well.

I don't know. Not a great movie but not all out horrible. I wouldn't recommend watching this, but there is definitely humor there for someone in this world. Jonah Hill is just a big kid himself in this movie and it is kind of an ironic calling that he would be managing kids when he tries to be responsible and help out his mom. Then everything just kind of falls apart(movie and plot wise) because Jonah's character didn't expect the kids to be so out of the ordinary. Finally everything wraps up in a way that doesn't seem conclusive. I was just left with with this attitude that the film tries to introduce some thoughtful and serious moments but also gets silly too silly to be funny.