I spent the fall reading A Song of Ice and Fire. I hate George R. R. Martin with every fiber of my being, but I also love him so much.I am now anxiously awaiting the next book while I slowly grow old and die.

I then caught up on my Star Wars books. I was about 3 books behind in the Legacy of the Force series. Ascension by Christie Golden was stunningly awesome. My expectations going into it were low, because her first Star Wars book in the series was mind-numbingly dull and the second one was wholly forgettable. This one just blew me away, though. It's the penultimate book in the series, and the final one will be released sometime in March.

Once I finished that, I picked up Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion via Kindle Lender's Library. I've been putting off reading it for years because I usually find Dawkins a bit too preachy for my tastes. I'm a chapter or so into it and it's pretty good so far. There's little I've read that I didn't already know, but it's still a decent read.