that said, the mobile phone thing is bothersome to me as well. i mean BAM all of a sudden one mobile has mapped out an entire building? and also, wouldn't batman have had to been working on the phone thing for ages and ages? i mean i've had the same phone for five years. if bats equipped all phones made after a certain point, most people would've still had their old, sonarless phones. i'm saying they could have USED the plot device but i'd have been happier if they limited its power somewhat.

i know bruce alludes to it a couple of times during the movie but it just felt like a massive plot device to come out of nowhere and handily solve the problem. (see: "deus ex machina".) it was just a little bit of weak storytelling. also, bruce is working on it before the joker emerges in any serious way, and yet he wills it to be destroyed after its first and only usage? how did he know a problem would emerge wherein he'd need to use the surveillance system and, once that happened,that he could not keep it for future usage?

you could say that fox convinces him it's wrong, but if that's true, it's played really badly. i mean he had that killswitch (fox's name) built in beforehand, obviously.

it was just irksome. they should've solved those problems -- it's not like that would've been terribly hard.