Quote Originally Posted by Atmosfear View Post
Anyone started watching this show? I believe it's a Monday nighter (I watch network TV almost exclusively online, so I'm not positive.)

I initially thought the premise was kind of dumb, but after watching three episodes, I think I'm going to stick with the show. I like that it has the feeling of crossing Entourage with political intrigue... my only complaint is that it's an NBC show and therefore not prone to the quality tit shots and sex scenes of Entourage.

This thread can be like the Lost thread. Chip in your thoughts on the show as it progresses.
I fucking think the show is incredibly well put together. It's been getting horrible ratings, last place or so and is continually in decline.

I just want them to finish out the season before they shelve it. But I mean, only 6 million have been watching, that's god-awful.