The movie was pretty hilarious. The beginning had potential, but it all petered out into some ridiculous shit right around the halfway point. My favorite parts had to be:

When Max does a backflip to shoot at a sniper taking aim at him from the rafters. Not only does the sniper, who has a SCOPE and is no more than say thirty or forty feet away from Max, manage to miss him four times in a row, but this sequence is the movie's sole bullet time scene, and it goes so slow you could put the thing into acts. I mean at least a full thirty seconds pass from the time Max starts his backflip to before he actually even pulls the trigger. (That's another thing, no one pays attention to how many shots Max takes in this movie. At the beginning of this scene, he loads four slugs into his shotgun, and fires nine before he reloads again. Don't even get me started on his handguns.)

When Max has to drink Valkyr to try and get his body to...I don't know, do something that won't make him die from hypothermia. The movie continuously portrayed people hopped up on Valkyr as seeing winged demons and shit like that, so when Max does it, the cloudy sky breaks open to reveal a huge swirling inferno, and embers begin to rain down from the Heavens. Max gets up, and slow motion walks down the pier, towards the camera. The whole thing looks like a Gatorade commercial, especially the embers which look like orange Gatorade rain.

Also, my friends noticed that you could gauge someone's importance to the film by how easily they can kick down a door. Max breaks open doors with one good kick, no problem. His female accomplice whose name I don't know shoots the lock around a door before she kicks it, but still does it with relative ease. Some random cop whose trying to get into the room Max locked himself in? Hopelessly shoulder rams and kicks the door twenty or thirty times before he finally manages to break the thing down.