Quote Originally Posted by MalReynolds View Post
Negative points:

- The Twins, Mudflap and Fuckface, two robots that have distinctly... 'ethnic' voices, gold teeth... That can't read. That was wonderful.
- Heaven being full of giant robots that can, in our realm, restore objects to real form.
- A giant robot having testicles for nothing more than a joke.
- Sam's mom getting high for a joke.
- 90% OF the jokes not working.
- Almost 3 hours.
- Not enough robots fighting.
While I disagree with a couple of them, I could see where you were coming from on many of your points up until this one. The one thing I remember thinking throughout the whole movie is "holy shit there is SO much fighting going on, why the hell did this all need to be included? at this point it is just too much robot fighting and it is getting boring." Pretty much the only way to have more is to have one huge battle with no story whatsoever (in before "this had no story whatsoever lol i'm elite"), or a four hour long movie.

I had some problems with the film, but the music was pretty good and it's more or less what I expected. My biggest problem is the length, they could have cut lots of unnecessary battle scenes that just felt unnecessarily long (I like the word unnecessary, sue me), like an infinite turd coming out of my ass, when the hell is this shit going to end? The final desert battle is the prime example, I can't believe how long that whole thing took.

No matter what, this film was a hell of a lot funnier and a shit-ton better than Year One.