Quote Originally Posted by KT. View Post
someone asked me mid-movie if the film was based on true events
i asked a little way into the film if there was any truth at all behind it (ie. if the basterds were based on a semi-real group of people, or even a preexisting urban legendy kind of thing) so it's not an entirely stupid question

anyway necro-ing this thread to say this was a fucking brilliant movie with some of the best visuals i've seen in cinema. i wouldn't have cut everything, but i would have put the story together just slightly differently. the flow didn't sit right with me -- i didn't like the pace at which the "burn down the cinema" plot and the "blow up the cinema" plot unfolded. it felt to me like lord of the rings, where one stays with frodo, sam and gollum for ages, then follows aragorn, legolas and gimli for ages and retracks over time. works in a novel, but wasn't confortable timing onscreen.