Shows I watch weekly without fail:
The Soup
How I Met Your Mother
30 Rock
The Office
Parks & Rec
Modern Family
Running Wilde
The Benson Interruption

Shows I really enjoyed that have recently finished:
Bored To Death
The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret
The Trip
South Park

Still working my way through Breaking Bad, It's Always Sunny and, recently, The League.

I also started watching Episodes (Episodes of what LMAOLOL) and will probably stick with it because it shows promise.
There hasn't been many great British series of late that I've been mega-impressed by other than The Trip (which I mentioned). Even Peep Show has finally jumped the shark and no longer holds my interest and, earlier in the year, The Inbetweeners ended on probably its worst episode.

Oh, I'm also addicted to Coronation Street but that is because I'm northern and mawkish.