Played KoA. I played rogue/mage; never felt the need to change my class as it fucked shit up pretty easy.

It was okay, but it felt too much like an MMO for something that wasn't an MMO (although it's obvious they were going to make it one). I felt there weren't enough skill trees nor enough abilities for each tree. It certainly didn't take me 100 hours, it felt rather short. I guess if I replayed it on every difficulty it'd be that long or longer?

It felt like the only way to know where anything is, quest-wise, was through the map and compass. It relied on that far too much.

Overall, it was average; not the most engaging of games. My friend purchased it and can't even justify spending time on it when she's got Skyrim to play through instead.

Quote Originally Posted by sycld View Post
As much as I love The Witcher 2, there are just some aspects of it that are mindbogglingly poorly designed.

For instance, near the end of Act 2:

Late reply, I know, but: