I decided, against my better judgment, to download and play Dwarf Fortress once again. I never really got into it the first time, but I'm tired of Minecraft and still want to build weird things, or just get destroyed by all the Fun that lurks around every corner.

I'm not going to play a pass-along game, but I am going to involve CD members as my dwarves. I've picked myself, the richest member (KT., instead of #ESATgogogogo because his name won't work), the most reputable (simonj), the most vocal (or post-whorious, ironically this is sycld), the guy who won sheep 2 (infernus), satori_everything because she pretty much epitomizes dorfiness and Vengeful Scars just because.

The group consists of 7 dwarves with varied abilities and a bunch of shit they need to survive in a stupidly complicated world. The name of the group is the "Merchant of Comets" because fuck yeah and the name of our CD Dwarf Fort is "Idletalks the Council of Flames"

Here is a random collection of facts about our 7, hearty dorfs:

coqauvin (brokerminer)

sycld (Mechaminer)

satori_everything (MasonCraft)

KT. (Cutter Crafter Builder)

Vengeful Scars (Food Bitch)

simonj (MilitialWoodcutter)

infernus (Hunter)

With this introduced, when I get time, I will screenshot the fortress once a game year and write stories about the dwarves who survive and how they'll all end up dead anyways.