Quote Originally Posted by Sion View Post
well considering I don't follow professional video game players, i'm just going by math. I'm not saying there is only 1 professional player, if you read more carefully you'd have seen that i sadi the numbers are much higher. In which case utah is still screwed, let me elaborate for the mathmatically challenged.
For every X number of people in the population, Y is the number of people who are good enough to go pro. As X increases, so does Y.
So if you start out with Utah, in wich X=1,000,000 and Y= 1, and then you add say, new jersey, in which X= 7,000,000 and Y=7.
Let's increase Utah's X/Y ratio to say, 1,000,000/200. This brings up Utah's total number of pros to 200.
Doing the same to NJ, this brings NJ's number of pros up to 1400.
Unless theres an unusual concentration of professional halo players in utah...
Quote Originally Posted by captain castle View Post
You're really really retarded