I bought a PS3 for many reasons.

1) The controllers. Rechargeable, wireless controllers and they feel right. I don't care for the 360 controllers as much. The bumpers are too odd IMO.

2) Exclusive games. People jerk off to Gears and Halo but I've never found any of these games that interesting. Halo 3 is uber overrated. Every new FPS that comes out is labeled "The Halo Killer" Halo was axed a long time ago. Games like LBP, Killzone 2, Infamous, God of War III, Ratchet and Clank, and Metal Gear drew me in.

3) Free online play. Say what you want about Live's awesome service and functionality but I have never seen any bad downtime on the PS3 service.

4) Reliability. When I bought mine in June I didn't hear a lot of people complaining how their PS3 shat itself. Almost everyone I know who has had a 360 has had to replace it alteast once. I don't want to go through the hassle.