This game is as fun as it is infuriating. While the gameplay is still the same as RE4 it feels quite restrictive for this generation of games and might take a couple chapter to get use to. Money seems to be harder to come by (you definitely do not get as much as you did in RE4). The partner system is pretty cool to have, it's like carrying two guns, but the partner can be quite annoying. For instance they pick up everything you want and nothing you want them to carry. When you are trying to aim at someone, Sheva's big fat head gets in the god damn way, also, when you want to back up from a special monster to not get impaled, Sheva comes to the rescue to stand in your way so you are trapped. The storage system is now horrible, I loved the case system so much an how you could upgrade the room, but now you get nine spaces for each character(size of item does not matter). I usually carry 2 or 3 guns(Shotgun, Machine Gun and either Rifle, Grenade Launcher or Magnum), while I give Sheva the pistol. Upgrading guns is the same except there isn't an exclusive upgrade like there was in RE4, which is what I was looking forward to. Upgrades aren't as expensive, but you don't get as much money anyways so it's sorta the same, and always you will upgrade a weapon a good bit, just to get thrown a new weapon of the same type(there are 3 different weapon for all types in the game, except the magnum, which is two). But the story was pretty darn cool and the visuals were really nice. I'd suggest playing a couple times on easy just to get your weapons upgraded, then go to normal and hard. Haven't tried co-op or mercenaries yet so I'll get to y'all on that later. For now it's a 8.7 out of 10.