The CoD games have never, ever, ever, ever - EVER been about hyper-realism. Not ever. They're arcade shooters, like Timesplitters. Your soldiers can take shots and shots and then not die, alll you have to do is hide behind a rock and wait for the red to go away or pick up a med-kit.

CoD: MW wasn't even very realistic. Since when am I allowed to decide if I want to carry more ammo into battle, or have my bullets do more damage? Did I miss that part of basic, where I was told that my perks would be variable on how many people I kill in a firefight? Shit, I killed 3, I get to use the satellite for enemy tracking.

The games have been about having fun, and providing a balanced challenge online. Which they have (not counting the M16 or the Thompson M40). I'm sure the heart-beat monitor will be used in the SP campaign, giving the item an excellent frame of reference as to the inclusion in the multiplayer. Possibly even the throwing knives - and there's no gaurentee that they're a 1hk anyway.

I'm not looking forward to the riot shield, however. It mucked up CS1.6 pretty well.