Quote Originally Posted by MalReynolds View Post
If you're somehow aware you would notice in Fallout 3 combat is based on a D20 background die roll system for attack, accuracy, and damage.

In this game, if you shoot something, you hit something. That's the main difference, and it sets the two games worlds apart. Fallout 3 is very strategic, using the VATS system to pause the game and target specific body parts that use up eligible stamina based on guns and various other background stats. Additionally, there's a shit ton (approximate number) of skills and places to explore, despite the low number of quests. There are also conversation trees and a karma system.

Borderlands is, headshot = critical hit, and that's as technical as it gets. Your gun fires where you aim it, no background calculation. No conversation trees. Pretty much straight action with 3 pre-set classes, and no almost no story.
playing fallout 3 without vats is much more fun and faster and i like the non-vats perks even better