Quote Originally Posted by TheOriginalGrumpySpy View Post
I never saw much of the appeal around Bioshock. It wasn't much of a RPG than just a FPS with an inventory.
it's a FPS with RPG elements. anyone that claims it's really an RPG is misguided.

On the other hand, RPGs have been becoming more and more action oriented as time as gone by. Turn-based RPGs are mostly unheard of anymore, save what's published by small indie developers or some of Square Enix's titles. And I don't think there's really any calculations and die rolls in Bioshock's black box like those that determine "hits," "misses," or "crits," right? There's no stats either, so how could anyone even argue that Bioshock is a RPG?

I have to admit that I finally bought Bioshock when its price went down, but I haven't really played it aside from some of the demo.