Secret Avengers #22
Writer- Rick Remender
Artist - Gabriel Hardman

Captain Britain and Giant-Man join Hawkeye's new Secret Avengers team! Featuring the Adaptoids! Sentinels hunt mutants, Adaptoids hunt Avengers!
Welcome to the first Comic Book Review Club group review. As you can see this week we are reviewing Secret Avengers #22. Everyone is welcome to join in provided you have read the issue. To be clear, you must read the issue prior to reviewing it. If it is clear that you have not read the issue or your post is completely off topic, I will ask a mod to delete your post. I want this review session to be fun but I also want it to stay focused on the comic we are reviewing.

If you are interested but don't normally read comic books, I have purposely chose an issue that is supposed to be new reader friendly. If you have questions on where to acquire this issue, feel free to pm me.