The Good:

I agree with kt that the roster is pretty good. Despite Captain Britain being an asshole in uncanny x-force right now, he is a good character that has been underutilized in recent years. I'm also a fan of beast, valkyrie, and the new ant-man. The addition of venom next month is a plus as well. As for the villains, normally adaptoids are retarded villains, but I like the new batch with individualized adaptoid powers. The issue was fairly action-packed as well, which is pretty good especially for an intro issue to a storyline.

The Bad:

While I do like a lot of the roster, having Hawkeye leading the team is a real negative in my books. Hawkeye is one of the most boring marvel characters of all time and I wish he had stayed dead (thanks bendis). Same goes with Hank Pym. Black Widow I don't really care about either way. While I did like the new adaptoids, the adaptoid battle seems like it's going in the same direction as any other one. Avengers get their asses kicked, they'll find some sort of deus ex machina loophole and win. Hopefully I'm wrong, but only time will tell. Also I have no idea what the fuck was going on in the last panel, but maybe that's what they were going for.

The Ugly:

I completely disagree with kt on the artwork. I'm pretty good at ignoring bad artwork, but I was still pretty offended when I first opened the book. There are a lot of squiggly lines that are supposed to represent people and sometimes they are given facial expressions (which are weird). I never ever notice the lettering in a comic though, so I wasn't offended by that.


Definitely a comic with some flaws, but worth following up on. Looking forward to see where this is going and hopefully hawkeye won't survive to the end of this storyline.

My final rating is 7 / 10