Quote Originally Posted by Pepsi View Post
I'm going to take my bleedin' cricket bat and fight through them with my best mate(who is wielding a spade). Then I'm going to take my zombified roommate's car over to my mum's house to save her and my "father"(who's really my stepdad). After seeing that my best mate wrecked our car, we will all pile in to my "father's" classy car and we'll race off to get my girlfriend and her friends. My "father" will then make his peace and turn into a zombie. We'll leave him in the car. We'll then go through many yards to find that our destination, The Winchester, is surrounded by zombies. We'll try to get through acting like zombies, except when we get to the door and figure out how to get in, my best mate's phone rings and he answers the bleedin' thing. I then go around to the back door to unlock the front door. All the while, the loser that loves my girlfriend breaks the window so everyone can climb in...although it leaves the pub vulnerable. The zombies penetrate and turn my mother, girlfriend's friend, and my best mate into zombies while we escape into the street and the military shows up to save us. Then I will chain up my zombie best mate in the garage to play Timesplitters 2 and I will live a happy life with my girlfriend.
please god
