I just found a little browser-based java applet that allows 4-player Settlers of Catan (without expansions.) Settlers of Catan is a classic board game and this is a pretty decent adaptation for computer. It has been called the "killer app of boardgames"

Depending on the level of interest, if we could get 8 people willing to commit I was thinking groups of 4 could play 4 games with points awarded for placement in each game. The top 2 players from each foursome would then form the final foursome for a 4 game playoff.

This thread isn't a sign-up as much as a general interest thread, so this isn't any sort of commitment to play. Games against 3 computer players took me about 20 minutes each, but would probably go 45-60 minutes without computers.

Relevant links:

General information and a good gist of the game:
The Settlers of Catan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Nepomuk_280_-_Osadn%C3%ADci_z_Katanu.jpg" class="image" title="Settlers of Catan"><img alt="Settlers of Catan" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d4/Nepomuk_280_-_Osadn%C3%ADci_z_Katanu.jpg/250px-Nepomuk_280_-_Osadn%C3%ADci_z_Katanu.jpg"@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/d/d4/Nepomuk_280_-_Osadn%C3%ADci_z_Katanu.jpg/250px-Nepomuk_280_-_Osadn%C3%ADci_z_Katanu.jpg

Published rules of the game (since you don't have a board in front of you, I recommend the wiki first):

Online game:

If there are any questions about the game, post them here, or just try it out at the link provided. If anyone would like to play a game, this thread would also be a good place to match-up