Quote Originally Posted by Mr. E View Post
Nightwing is different from Riddler or Dibny though. Nightwing has been fully trained in the style of Batman. He has all the fighting prowess of Batman, plus is younger and smarter. That equals win in a fight. I'm sorry Vanilla Bear but I won't back down.
Younger certainly, but just because he's been trained fully by someone doesn't mean he's a better fighter. There are only a few people on Earth 2 capable of beating Batman hand to hand. Lady Shiva (since Knightfall, Batman can now best her) and Cassandra Cain (She was taught to fight as a form of speech. She's probably the one person who's been trained more than Batman) and I've heard Karate Kid, but he strikes me as kind of a deus ex machina character, where his powers are hyperbole "best fighter evar" sorta thing, so I don't know.

As for smarter, good luck. Nightwing is smart, but he'll never measure up to Bruce. Fuck, Jason Todd could probably beat the hell out of Nightwing (I like Tim and Jason better)

Quote Originally Posted by sudo View Post
Captain Castle turned into a batman fanboy since the movies.
I've been a Batman fanboy since before you were a stain on your daddys pants

Quote Originally Posted by simonj View Post
Him and 99% of the world...