Superman vs the Sentry: Ignoring the fact that the law of comics states that Superman doesn't lose (even when he died, he still won the battle - also he didn't technically die), Superman has beaten the Hulk, and the Hulk has taken the Sentry to a stalemate, therefore, Superman would beat the Sentry.

Batman vs Iron Man: The law of comics states that Batman doesn't lose (even when he died, he still won the battle - also he didn't technically die). He had been planning for this encounter for the past 10 years and just as it looks like he's about to lose he presses a button that causes Iron Man to inexplicably explode.

The Martian Manhunter vs The Hulk: While the martian manhunter is technically almost as powerful as superman, the law of superman/batman doesn't apply to him so this would be a more even fight than superman vs the hulk. this one would be tought to call, but I'd have to give the match to The Hulk based on raw strength.

Wonder Woman vs Ms Marvel: Ms Marvel's powers are too inconsistent to have her in any kind of match-up. Wonder Woman is consistently at strength class 100 while Ms Marvel fluctuates at 70 - 100, with her secondary abilities based on how the writer is feeling. On the other hand, in the past Wonder Woman has gotten her ass handed to her by Storm, so this match goes to Ms. Marvel.

Green Lantern (assuming Hal Jordan) vs Thor: While Thor is a "god" he's a marvel universe god which is just basically another super-human. This would be another fairly even match, as Hal Jordan is used to taking on heavy hitters like Thor. That being said, Hal Jordan may be too reckless to be able to handle Thor in a one on one fight, so I'll give this match to goldilocks in this case. (For the record John Stewart wouldn't have the power to take on thor, kyle rayner wouldn't have the confidence, but Guy Gardner might be able to take Thor at least to a standstill until the rest of the corps arrived)

The Flash vs Quicksilver: The Flash' power set goes way beyond super speed. No contest in this match-up.

Aqua Man vs Hank Pym (he only called himself 'the wasp' for 3 issues): This one is the candidate for "who cares". Outside of the water, Hank would win with some crazy device, in the water Aqua Man would probably overpower him