My issue is a bit more detailed than the thread title but it boils down to approximately that.

I'm graduating in May with my BS, my girlfriend of 5 months also in May with her MS. I have a job lined up, she doesn't. My job is in Amsterdam, I'm being moved out there from here in the US. If I don't take her now, Dutch immigration will almost certainly prevent her from coming before I work for 3 years, so there's no let's-wait-a-few-months.

We'd talked about her coming with me to wherever I got a job as my degree and previous experience almost guaranteed me a plethora of well-paying job offers and she was unsure of what she wanted to do. I had no reason to assume I'd be leaving the country and so if we moved somewhere and broke up in 2 months it'd be no big deal. Instead, I got a job offer (that I've taken) in the Netherlands.

My first reaction was to not take her, as when the relationship ends (as they tend to do) she'll be fucked: depending on how long she's been in the country, it could affect her immigration status. Even if she doesn't and she wants to return to the US, she'll have to dump a bunch of money to do just that.

I've talked to a handful of people (friends in Europe and here) and they all tell me it's best to not take her but I've yet to really figure out why. She really wants to come. I'm generally cautious about it but I'm having a hard time figuring out what could go wrong that'd significantly hurt me, if I took her. My dilemma is that I feel like I'm ending the relationship while I still want to be in it, although if I have to choose between her and the job, I'll choose the job (I promised myself I'd go if I got a job in the area years before I met her).

So, would I be a total fucking moron if I took my college girlfriend to live with me in the Netherlands?