OP here. I'll try and keep it short. Basically after everything I said in previous posts and after having a nice conversation with my ex(about 2 days earlier) I got a random message from her bf(I've never met or talked to him before) insulting me and saying I need to stop talking crap about her(my ex). I got angry and replied angrily because he wanted to fight and I wasn't in a very good mood. After that I talked to my ex(via facebook) and asked what the hell was going on. She told me that her dad said I was apparently calling her a skank to people I work with(her dad also works with me). This wasn't true and I have no idea where this came from since I was trying to stay on good terms. Anyway she had no interest in listening to anything I had to say, said she was done with me and to grow up. I was already angry from her bf's message and ended up calling her dad a moron, telling her she needs to look in the mirror and grow up, and agreeing that we were done.

This came out of no where. At first I thought her bf was maybe just starting crap, but after talking to my ex I realized that she was pissed at me for no reason as well. What the hell?

Anyway, now it's been almost 3 weeks since I've last talked to her. I found out that she still had the girl I was hanging out with added and had messaged her a bit after the whole ordeal asking if she was dating me. The girl had said no because we're not exactly dating and then asked me who she(my ex) was before deleting her as a friend.

My mind is torn. I'm not sure what the hell happened, why she cares who I'm seeing, and whether or not to try and message her again.

I tried to keep it as short as possible, but I can go into further detail if needed for advice on how to go about this... Thanks.