Quote Originally Posted by WellAdjusted View Post
I used to spend almost two hours a day until July when I got a car.. but would it take 6 months for side effects to come from that?
I assume something's missing from this sentence.

Well the simple definition of a migraine is a headache combined with some other sign (nausea being the biggest one which you seem to get), while tension headaches would just be a plain old painful headache with no other signs. You can get muscle contractions with both migraines and TTH, so it's hard to tell which of them is causing your muscle aching (probably both).

The level of caffeine you're drinking per day is pretty good, so I wouldn't recommend adding pills on to it (I don't like caffeine pills since I personally think their effects are delayed, but your results may vary).

It wouldn't hurt to get an MRI (since it's free lol) to rule out any less common disorders. Some of your signs are consistent with Low CSF Volume Headaches (feeling better lying down, more painful as you're standing up) which can be ruled out with an MRI. Also don't let them trick you into getting a CT scan instead - one of my friends had chronic headaches and I told him to get an MRI, but his doctors did a battery of tests on him including a CT scan, but they didn't figure out until they finally did an MRI that he had a Chiari Malformation.