Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous View Post
Right well this was one of those friends with benefits thing, and we started liking each other but college got in the way, but I maintained close contact with her.

I would talk on the phone with this girl for hours everyday, and we recently started skyping one another (kind of replacing the phone calls) and I just told her after four hours of talking that I can't be friends with her anymore because I still like her and that I don't want her as just a friend.

This all started by my asking her if she's met any guys at college (I've never asked her this before because, but recently I felt that we were actually getting closer so I did) and she did. She always told me that she hung out with this kid, and I never thought anything of it because I thought it was not my place since we never were official; but fuck that, I'm crazy about this girl, I think about her all the time, and we have talked to each other literally every single day, and I know people who are "just friends" do not do this.

So I told her that I can't talk to her or hang out with her when she gets back for break because I have these feelings for her, and she says that she has the same feelings for me too but we were never going out, so like what the fuck? I'm confused as to what I'm suppose to do, I told her that I'm not going to call her and that I wasn't going to hang out with her because I don't want to be just friends with her (I know I'm ranting, but please bear with me).

She did come back for a fall break which was like four days, I saw her one day, didn't really know how to act at first, but we hooked up and I know that this will continue on winter break. The thing that I'm trying to say is that I don't want our relationship to end, but I'm still going to like her as more than a friend, I know I will; and I don't want her dating other guys (and she says she won't do anything with this guy and that she hasn't even kissed him but this is just what she tells me), but that isn't for me to decide, I have no say in it.

Really I guess what I want from her is for us to be exclusive and to be girlfriend/boyfriend but it's just unrealistic, she's just too far away. Did I make the right choice by cutting of the relationship? I deleted her number out of my phone book (I still know it), I'm not going to call her but I still want to, but I don't want to be friends. I'm completely at a loss here.

dude, my girlfriend lives in Russia, and I live in Texas. We have a great relationship.

Don't be afraid to take a chance and possibly miss out on a great thing.