One of your problems is that you call them bitches. It doesn't sound like you have much respect for women, which could be your problem.

so this other chick im friends with told me that she thinks im trying to be more than a friend, and she doesnt want that right now. Ok, wasn't interested in her anyway. I asked her wtf was with her constantly bailing on our plans and she turned it into a huge fight.
If you're not interested, why press the issue? She was probably trying to distance herself so that a relationship would not form. You should have simply explained that you were content "just being friends". She is the victim because you essentially pressed the issue too far. I'm not saying that she's not at fault at all...but for the most part, it looks like you were the one that made it escalate.

Also, you retaliated by saying stuff like "go fuck yourself". If you want to keep friends, don't insult them, treat them's that simple.

Apologize to her and tell her that you were wrong and that you appreciate her as a don't want to lose her great friendship. Either way she's going to see it as your, if you don't want to lose her as your friend, take the blame.