So I'm hanging out with my married friend and one of his wives friends comes over and she's pretty cool. We flirt a bit nothing major (apparently we're both the type of person to flirt with people all the time) and then like a week later we're all hanging out again and we're all drinking. She gets drunk, I'm pretty buzzed and we end up fooling around a little. Didn't have sex but there was heavy petting and I went down on her. Don't ask me why we didn't have sex, I wish we had, but for some reason it didn't happen. She wasn't blitz drunk or anything, I'm not that type of guy, but we were both pretty loosened up. Anyway, like a week later we are hanging out drinking again (we've seen each other once or twice in the previous week in passing cause I crash at my buddies house alot) we watch some lesbian porn cause it seemed like a good idea at the time and she is pretty into it, and we end up fooling around again later. This time clothes stay on but we do heavy petting under the clothes and we both get off and go to sleep. It's been about a week and we've hung out a couple times as a group and once tonight just us two, but nothing happens we both go home or whatever. Now I've developed a pretty good attraction to her, but I can't read if this is just a "Drunken fool around" thing, or if there's potential to go further here. Should I just come out and tell her I'm interested, or should I just let things evolve on their own?