Hey everyone,

I feel like its time start putting on some weight. Im a senior (male) in High School, about 5'11 and just shy of 140 lb's. This setup I feel like doesn't make me really really skinny, but thin enough that people have begun to notice and call me out on it. I feel like part of the issue is that last year, I made the decision to quit the baseball team and focus on theatre and music. I remember being skinny then, but not so much so that it was brought up in conversation. I'm not sure what the problem is, I eat alot (at least I think I do?) and I dont really do much to burn calories.

So I think it's time to put on some weight, playing sports again is not an option, but new eating habits or forms of exercise definitely are. Do I simply have a beast of a metabolism? Or can I actually work with this?, any advice is welcome and appreciated.