Okay to make things short, I took 10 mg of Adderall for the first time in my life during the morning, then took booze and weed to neutralize it out for sleep later that night. What makes things interesting is that my body can't seem to adapt to the drug. Since the beginning of the week, I have been extremely tired and fatigued, had a high heart rate and wasn't able to exercise without breathing problems or chest pain, and couldn't concentrate on anything that was going on around me. Days went by and the side effects have slowly faded a bit, but all 3 are still around to an extent. Any research I have done on these effects are only on people that have been on it for a long time and not just once. Any other insight as to what to do to eliminate these affects so I can continue to function normally? I know I have been able to sleep, but it just feels like my body hasn't taken notice and I still have those bags under my eyes, even after a week.